Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well, it's my first year at the university and I really don't use a lot of websites for studying. But there's a website that I use, not specifically about sociology but it makes me easier the organization for all my subjects. This site is U-Cursos.
At the beggining I was very uncomfortable with the system, but it was because I didn't know how to use it very well.
If you didn't know U-Cursos was created by engineers of the University of Chile for making a database, calendar and a comunication system for the Beauchef Campus and the students in there. Later it was spread and extended to all the students of the University since the good results.
U-cursos have been growing troughout time. Now they have a calendar, a forums system, a space to be in touch with the teachers and classmates, another to share documents, to write a blog and even check your e-mail.
The problem that I see it's that not all the teachers here in "Sociales" use the system because they have their own website (Moodle). Actually it's been a bit annoying to change every time from one site to another.
Anyway I have to say that U-cursos have been a very useful website and I'm going to take the opportunity to recomend it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What a earthquake!

Fortunately i was in my home. I just got sleep when I felt the starting tremor and I thought "Fuck! I hate to be awake like this", then this little quake became a "super" earthquake and I got up immediatly. When I got to the doorframe I saw my parents coming trough the kitchen door (they sleep in a room outside). I ran to get with them and we stayed at the doorframe of the kitchen. We saw our van move one side to another like a horrible dance. In the meanwhile my mother remembered my sister who was on the beach with some friends. She started to cry.
The earthquake stopped and I went to find my Mp4 looking for some radio station which were broadcasting at that moment. I listened to Radio Cooperativa and then I hear that the epicenter was to the south (my sister was to the north, so we were more calm for that).
My house resisted pretty good the earthquake, some stuff fell down, but nothing important. We talked to my sister a few hours later. Just in that moment we could fall sleep again.
After that we didn't have electricity for 5 days, during that I went to the houses of some friends to recharge my mobile phone and my Mp4.
When we recovered the electricity I saw at facebook that the FECh (Federation of Students of the University of Chile) was recruiting people to help the real victims of the earthquake, so I went there looking to do something helpful.
I went to Paine one day to recolect rubble and others days I traveled trough the streets of Santiago collecting money to send to the south.
On those days I realize that the poor Town Halls couldn't make anything useful, we saw them overloaded and trying to do something useful, but they couldn't cover all the damages. This made me notice that the poor Town Halls can't do pretty much by themselves. They needed (and need) a huge "hand" from the State to be useful.
This is a son of the inequality that we live everyday here in Chile.
What a earthquake!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I'm Matías Flores and I'm studying Sociology. This is my first year at university and so far it's has been good.
I like to play basketball, eat a lot and sleep long hours.
I'm also learning french at university, but I'm going just as a lintener because they don't give me the chance to take for real, as a CFG (N).
Also I hope that this blog help me at my english.