Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Beri gud? VERY GOOD

I never had a blog before and never had to write that much in English. Mostly I refilled some incomplete texts or alternative questions during my English class in school. The times that I wrote in English were when I wrote to my aunt who lives in France.
I really enjoy learning languages so I tried to take advantage of this opportunity. Writing in a different language it's a challenge that let you increase your vocabulary and create a new kind of relationship with the online dictionary Word Reference.
I can't deny that some days was really tedious this constant work, furthermore I remember one day that I fell asleep in front of the screen. Nothing but tiredness of the sociology lectures that I have Tuesday morning.
But all that effort was worthy. The most of the words that I knew before blogging were learned by ear and when I started to write I realized that I didn't knew how to write those. So I started to use the named dictionary. That’s how now I feel more secure writing word like "awesome", "throughout time" and "judges".
I my view the main advantage of blogging in English class is that you can practice two stuff: the English itself and how to order your ideas independent of the language.
I think that if you start to worry more of the order of what your write, that the words that you use, it's the reflex of that you've learn something important, you've make a big step. And that's how it had work for me. I'm not saying that now I'm a British Knight or something similar. I've just noticed that now I can write with more confidence, and when I compare my English and my French (I'm learning too, but I've just started this year) I feel very pleased with my manage of this useful language.
To sum up I'd like to emphasize that writing in blogs during these English classes let me go in an area that I had never gave importance, but now I realized that if you want to learn a language you have to manage it in all aspects, and now I'll improve this one in the next semester and I hope that will allow me to have "more than intermediate" manage of English.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Under Construction

When I was in school I thought that I would be a teacher, but then I realized that maybe in sociology I could find a different way to approach to education in general.
After that I figured that sociology opens you a hug variety of areas to work with. Not only education, there was health, work, market and plain of others. What you like to do would be (in theory) in what you’ll work. Once realized that, I thought that would be better if I go deeper in others areas before choice one.
Thinking that is how I came in this university. On these days I had the possibility to make a social research and with my team decided to make it about education. Pretty good experience.
In my view, education is one of the most important things in the society, through it we transfer our knowledge, culture and the basic tools to manage in the society and life. Being part of it, studying or working on it I fell that I’ll be pleased.
I see myself teaching in a university, doing researches with a bunch of others sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, teachers, historicists, artists, and some others looking for build a better-complete education, from different angles and perspectives. That would be something awesome, hardly to do, but I believe in interdisciplinary and I think it’s applicable to education.
Or working in schools, doing policies and making advises looking for a education egalitarian for all.
But these are possibilities, I’m not sure about where I’ll work, I like some others areas too, that makes me difficult to keep one in a 100% of certainty. I hope that I’ll know more about others areas, and then decide.
Now I just hope that I’ll work like a sociologist, throughout time I’ll know more.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This is a GREAT picture, not because the quality or for who took it, I really don't remember who was, but in this case it's not important.
There I'm with two friends (I'm the one on the left) playing Jesus Christ Superstar for the "Alliances" of my school, I was rolling Caiaphas, in the center was Judas and next to him was Annas. Well I'm not going to explain all the play because the important it's what it represented.
Was taken last year, and it remember me all the hard work that we made to get up that play (wasn't picked by me), the longs rehearsals and what we shared with my school mates.
Was so funny right before it started, everybody was running around all nervous. Finally all was OK, I think it was great, we couldn't make it better, but the judges didn't think like that and we didn't win that activity. But what knows the judges the others ones were awful.
We didn't win the "Alliances" either... But I got a lot of memories and pictures too.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Location stereotypes

If we look around the faculty we'll see some characteristics different and some in common on the people who study here. And because of the few months that I've been in FACSo I can't point out a lot of stereotypes and I can't tell you about all that we saw last class(I don't really know about all of them).
Two that I've noticed, and the first ones to be shown since my first class, are the urbans and the rurals.
The urbans are all the people who lived in Santiago before the start of the academic year, they are the biggest in number and they usually emphasize the differences with the rurals.
The rurals are the ones who came from outside Santiago (it don't mind if they're from north or south, they're equal), they stand out of the urbans with them local phrases or even local accent and a kind of unknowledge of main streets of Santiago and subway. The urban at first time (this stereotypes dissapear with the pass of the years) involuntarily laugh with the special characteristics of the rural. These differences are totally normal once you start the degree, if the urbans went to a new city, they would be just like a rural guy.
I think that I'll, while I'll be adding up experiences and knowledge of FACSo stuff throughout time, be able to write more details about them.
These most be the first visible stereotypes in daily universitary life.