Yesterday, September 30°, in Ecuador some police officers upraised against the government because of a new law that makes more difficult and longer the inside promotion. They occupied the “Regimiento Quito”, the most important police station in front of the Carondelet’s Palace (seat of government and official residence of the president Correa). This surprising situation shocks this country in the middle of the world during the morning.
President Correa went to the epicenter of the chaos trying to talk to the police. Is there when he received the support and subordination of de National Army and a few minutes later the police used the tear gas against him and Correa is held by them in the Police Hospital.
In that moment the government started to talk about a coup d’état, the army went out to the streets trying to get the order back. The president, inside the hospital, declared exception’s state.
At night the soldiers went to the hospital to rescue the president in a violent operation, where a special force police died, but the president was successfully rescued.
This kind of news are terrible familiar in Latin America’s history, the latest in Honduras and all the others countries, included Chile of course, makes almost everybody in this continent involved against these unfair uprisings.
Here we noticed ours weak democracies and how we are in the hands of the ones with the guns. In Ecuador almost died a president and the all nation was in the side of a real coup d’état.
I really would like to hear that the all Latin-American people reject this kind of uprisings that go against all that these weak democracies had barely constructed. I hope that the Ecuadorians find a peacefully solution to this awful problem.
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