Monday, September 13, 2010

first term finished

Well, my first term was very good, terrible faster. Was my first semester in university, I’d pass all my courses and I’d start to know more about sociology. I’d realized that I knew almost nothing about it, but now I’m handling with it.
A bad thing that happened was that I stopped to do sports. I usually played basketball, but when I get into the university rhythm I couldn’t keep with it. I’m fatter, but I don’t care very much.
About friends I’ve to recognize that was a estrange semester, I stopped seeing some friends because of the times, but I knew a lot of new people who studied with me and from others parts. A lot of changes occurred during the last months, included in my family, where my mother went to France for a work in May and stills there. There she has a good and establish job and she’s living with his brother who hadn’t see in a long time. My sister in her side finished his Art degree and started to work in the Catholic University has a teacher’s assistant and in a project of art intervention in the Villa Portales.
We can say that was a pretty moved term in all the ways but the sportive one.


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